Assessing value for donations
With the ever expanding teaching and research facilities at our universities, and increasing financial targets of charities like, Alzheimer's society, The United Way, Cancer Care, Heart and Stroke Foundation and other private and/or public research foundations especially in the health care field not only put a strain on the public's charitable portfolio but have raised the question: "Are we getting money for our Bucks ?"
These institutions are largely financed by governments which need to show a more transparent annual fiscal reporting or else the public may become reluctant in making donations to what they are lead to believe are worthy charities. It would seem a fiscal evaluation like the recent Gomery inquiry would be most helpful. I would not be surprised if such a report found some evidence of wastage, inefficiency and maybe even irrelevance or redundancy.
As a footnote and word of caution I might add that the increasing frequency and rising costs of natural disasters such as hurricanes and earthquakes may in the future also reduce our contributions to these charities.
With our universities targeting especially their alumni for major donations it would seem that these institutions might be one of the first on the list for such fiscal inquiries.
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