Friday, March 23, 2007

Costly museums and internet

OPAS visionary seminar
I enjoyed meeting you-Ithink he was a professor of history- at the 2004 OPAS visionary seminar recently held at the University centre at the U of M.
Further to our luncheon discussions I would like to reiterate my thoughts that with the progress made in the internet information highway especially web sites access globally, universities have an excellent opportunity to advise and probably dampen the enthusiasm for building costly museums with equally costly maintenance costs. In the future potential tourists may find it too costly not only financially but in time to visit these centers.
With a few clicks of the mouse on their portable lap top they would be able to visit the Loueve in Paris, Cistine chapel in Rome, pyramids of Egypt, etc.
The money saved by governments for these costly buildings and their maintenance could be directed to updating and expanding the “tourist links ‘


At 8:09 AM, March 23, 2007, Blogger docsam said...

I was viewing my recent items in Appleworks and came across this document written in 2004. It has even more relevance today with the popularity of establishing museums like the Canadian Museum of Human Rights in Winnipeg- especially with the large donation of public funds from all levels of government.


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