Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Prostate-Is it a growing problem?

A few days ago I saw an infomercial about an elderly man who in describing his urinary complaints of frequency and a decrease flow of urine as having a "going problem ". When he went to his doctor was told that he had a "growing problem " and not a "going problem ". The infomercial very cleverly did this by adding 2 letters specifically inserting a "r" before the "0" and a "w" after it. They also included a diagram of the enlarging prostate gland around the urethra which they intimated was compressing the urethra and was responsible for the symptoms.
If in fact this is the etiology of the frequency, urgency and decreased stream flow, then why dont the urologists do what cardiovascular surgeons do when they have a narrowing and/or blockage of the coronary vessels- insert a bypass. A urethral bypass might prove less traumatic than a TUR (trans urethral resection ).


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