Friday, November 25, 2005

Aboriginal summit

Paul Martin,provincial premiers and several aboriginal chiefs are currently meeting in an attempt to resolve the health, social, economical, and other problems of our native population.
Lets review how our governmental agencies have handled this in the past.
- First through wars, Royal charters (like the Hudson's Bay Co, later the railways, churches and other notables), and the many Indian treaties (some of which still have not been honored to this day ) our natives were placed on isolated reservations.
-Then came the literally kidnapping of thousands of native children and placing them in boarding schools were they were stripped of using their language and promoting their culture-cultural genocide
-Followed with promotion of the 3 big "D's":
1. Diseases like TB and smallpox (Some historians suggested that small pox may have been deliberately introduced with blankets)
2. Drink specifically alcohol
3. Diabetes- through promotion of sugar drinks).
Comment. I can still vividly recall my internship year at the St. Boniface General Hospital in the 1960's where I saw many Eskimo and Indian Children with their primary teeth appearing as rotten stumps, and with pus exuding from their ears canals. Even today it is not unusual to see vans full of children appearing at private dental offices to have removal of their entire set of primary teeth because of such tooth decay. Modern industries have also been devastating -hydro dams, lake pollution with mercury and other toxic chemicals,exploitation of Indian Reserve land to make golf courses etc.
Our government cannot use the excuse that they were not aware of the problems. Our former prime minister was at one time also the minister of Indian Affairs. Maybe we should not be surprised with the state of affairs of our native population if internationally similar problems exist and remain unsolved in many areas. For example by keeping the Palestian people in isolated communities, similar to what we have done with our Indians on reserves, the problem there has remained unsolved for over 30 years.

Action not more rhetoric (summits) is needed to solve the Canadian Aboriginal problem
Footnote: It would be unfortunate if the Canadian aboriginal waiting for a long overdue solution began using the same suicide bombing tactics used by Palestians. With our city "street gangs" such a scenario may indeed be possible. Lets hope not.


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