Friday, October 28, 2005

Newsletter and Two Book Reviews

A recent World Health Organization (WHO) report predicts that for the year 2005, 35 million of the estimated 58 million deaths worldwide will be due to chronic diseases - conditions like cardiovascular, diabetes, and cancer. Also according to the WHO, reduction by just 2% a year in such deaths, would save over a 10 year period the lives of 36 million people. I gleaned this data from the Life Extension Newsletter.

Life Extension also publishes a monthly magazine and in one issue there was a book review on "The Perricone Weight-loss Diet" by Dr. Nicholas Perricone. Then just last night, Larry King interviewed Dr. A. Weil and his recent book "Healthy Aging ". I just had to have copies for my medical library and quickly rushed out to buy them today.

I found many similarities between the two books. Both authors are medical doctors. Both discuss the anti-inflammatory diet not only to prevent obesity but to protect the immune system from the ravages of aging. Both also have similar programs for the inevitable aging process.
  • Dr. Weil calls the experience of well-being "the age of aging gracefully"
  • Dr. Perricone: "A simple plan to lose the fat, the wrinkles, and the years."
I highly recommend these 2 books for their non-conventional approach to aging.

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