Is Alzheimers Type 3 diabetes ?
According to a recent Life Extension Bulletin (12-05-2005 ) de la Monte research group at Browns University not only discovered that the brain produces insulin but that in the early stages of Alzheimer's less insulin as well as the insulin-like growth factor is produced and further that this insulin production and number of insulin receptors drops progressively as the disease became more severe. They also showed that the levels of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine were directly linked to this loss of insulin production.
These findings of insulin impairment, lower levels of acetylcholine' together with, "poor energy metabolism, and its link to abnormalities that contribute to the tangles characteristic of Alzheimers" have lead this neuroscientist to postulate that Alzheimers's disease "... is possibly a Type 3 diabetes".
I can recall many of my Alzheimer's patients frequently have lucid periods. If it could be demonstrated that during such lucid periods their brain levels of insulin, were in the normal range then maybe there might indeed be some hope for such demented patients.
Reference to the Life Extension Bulletin should be 12/05/2005 rather than 11/30/2005. The latter date refers to the publication of HealthDay News.
Dr. S.B. Hrushovetz
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